Linear modeling (incl. f.e.m)  

Course Contents Learn how to model real life engineering problems using Finite Element Methods. Computational methods in structural analysis are of prime importance in industry as tools to assess the efficiency and performance of structures in the field of aerospace, mechanical, civil and biomedical engineering. A combination of theoretical and practical knowledge in finite element analysis are valuable skills needed to address such problems in industry. To efficiently model a real life engineering problem using finite element analysis and predict its future behaviour, an engineer must possess a strong theoretical understanding of the finite element method (FEM) along with the understanding of the importance of verification and validation of such computational models. Study Goals At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the different steps in a finite element analysis and apply them to practical engineering problems 2. Explain and apply basic principles behind finite element analysis (i.e., minimum total potential energy and weighted residual function) 3. Develop and implement 1D (bar, truss, beam and frame) and 2D (triangular and rectangular) elements in a finite element set-up 4. Use and interpret results from 1D and 2D elements in commercial finite element software 5. Explain and perform verification and validation of results obtained using finite element principles
Linear modeling (incl. f.e.m)

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